Half-frame Diptychs
These photographs were taken using a Yashica Samurai X3.0 camera. The Samurai is really just a standard auto-everything point-and-shoot camera from the late 1980s, but it has two features that separate it from the pack (apart from it's video camera styling that is!): it is actually an SLR camera, and it's a half-frame camera. This means that it shoots 72 18x24mm negatives on a 36 exposure role of film, instead of the usual 36 24x36mm negatives.
When you take half-frame films to a normal commercial D&P shop and ask for them to be developed as if they had been shot on a standard full-frame camera you will get two images on each print separated by a thick black line. So here's the challenge: take images that compliment each other and look like they were intended to be seen together on the same print!
The first 8 were all taken at the Barbican, and the remaining 4 were taken around King's Cross.
